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Simply put, our body is made of the elements that we inroduce through our diet. For anti aging rejuvination nutrition and individualized nutrition is essential. This page provides an introduction to advanced information on less known nutritional topics.

Our body consists of trillions of cells. Even if it may sound oversimplyfied our cells are like fish swimming in a pond: the water carries them the nutrients and the water also removes their waste materials. The same happens inside the human body: The liquid tissues (lymph) surrounding the cells carry nutrients and also absorb toxins. As in the fishpond, if the water is oversaturated with toxins the fish will lack vitality, if the liquid tissues around the cells are overloaded with toxins you can feel unbalanced and prematurely aged.
This page provides information on modalities to help the detoxification process of your body.
Bio-Identical Hormones

Bio-Identical Hormones
Hormones are extremley potent molecules produced by our glands, which affect the functions of the entire organism. Because of their importance, bioidentical hormoes are considered by various scientists a key ingredient to prevent and reverse the aging process. This page provides introductory and advanced information on bioidentical hormones.
Oxygen Therapies

Oxygen Therapies
So much has been written about the importance of oxygene that it is unnecessary to explain it again. This page explores for you the many  techniques used that involve the use of oxygen for the repair and regeneration of the body.
IV Detoxification & Repair

IV Detoxification & Repair
Some medical doctors and scientists suggest that the introduction of nutrients (for example antioxidants and vitamins) directly into the bloodstream may be an effective strategy to repair and rejuvenate the body. This page explores such medical therapies ranging from ortho-molecular medicine to Meyer’s cocktail to Glutathions IVs.
Yoga Therapy

Yoga Therapy
As described in the award winning book “Anatomy of Hata Yoga”, some of the Asanas create specific and precise compression on the connective tissue of the surrounding endoctrinose glands. These ‘pumping’ actions may increase the blood flow of these glands: more blood flow can lead to an improved activity of the glands. The compression can potentially lead to a better drainage (detoxification) of the glands and the connective tissue surrounding them.
Care of Skin

Care of Skin
As you probably already know, the skin is the largest organ of the human body. People around us may not see a premature aging of our internal organs (i.e. liver), but they will definitively notice a premature aging of our skin. “DermatopausaTM” is the result of accumulative oxidative stress and/or a lack or improper repair mecanism of the skin. This page explores the scientific bases of the prevention and repair of skin aging.
'Terapie Cellulaire'

'Terapie Cellulaire'
Since the 1950s this topic has evoked both rejection and interest by medical doctors and scientists. This medical treatment involves the introduction of animal embryonic cells into the human body. On this page we temporarily put aside the ethical aspect of the question and focus on the history and technical aspects of “terapie cellulaire”.
Enviroment & Ecology

Enviroment & Ecology
As explored by Aubrey de Grey pollutants in the environment can end up in your cells and create disfunctions and premature aging. This page explores the link between environmental pollution, ecological depletion, and premature aging.